Four year old Trevor had a "wish" and he wished for a German Shepherd puppy that would be trained into a Service Dog to keep him safe! GREAT NEWS! Trevor's wish has been granted and Zyla should be arriving this week! THANK YOU to everyone who helped Team 1Boy4Change grant another wish!
![]() OK, everyone - this wish is EXTRA SPECIAL for me! Detective Chris Winkle is not only a police officer, but he is one of my best friends! He has a little boy named Caleb. Caleb has just been diagnosed by a specialist as being Adrenal Insufficient. His adrenal gland do not produce adequate amounts of steroid hormones (chemicals produced by the body that regulate organ function), primarily cortisol. If not treated, adrenal insufficiency may result in severe abdominal pains, diarrhea, vomiting, profound muscle weakness and fatigue, depression, extremely low blood pressure(hypotension), weight loss, kidney failure, changes in mood and personality, and shock (adrenal crisis. An adrenal crisis often occurs if the body is subjected to stress, such as an accident, injury, surgery, or severe infection; death may quickly follow. Caleb is very small in stature for his age, which has resulted in a few issues. At times he becomes depressed due to his size and others teasing him. ![]() I know how much a puppy would do for Caleb and his family! PLEASE, I know we have been asking for a lot of puppy and service dog wishes... I want to give back to one of my personal "heroes" and I need your help! I KNOW we can do this! Come on Team 1Boy4Change! We got this - together we can move mountains! I am looking for a stock coat German Shepherd puppy, male, any color, and between 8 and 12 weeks old. ![]() MEET Christopher's newest "little fighter" Ronnie, he is 6 years old, profoundly autistic, and intellectually disabled (ID). He is non-verbal and a wanderer. Ronnie is not your "typical" autistic child (if there is such a thing) he loves people!!!! He cannot speak, will go to anyone and is (if I say so myself) beautiful! Sadly, this also, makes him pedophiles's dream. While there are many wonderful people in this world, there are also the bad one's who would pray on a child like Ronnie. We have alarms on our doors and windows, as he has "escaped" 2 times so far and I can not even pee without him trying to get outside. Our back yard is fenced, but he has gotten out of that on me too. Thank God he has been grabbed the 3 times that he has eloped by caring neighbors, who know him. He is registered with our local police department already. He can not sleep alone as he needs a "body" near him and as he is not a good sleeper and if he ever woke and I did not hear him I am afraid he would get hurt or out of the house... Did I mention he can climb like nobody's business. We need to find a trained tracker/herder for Ronnie and his family! The dog has to have EXCELLENT social skills with children - has to track a child with autism! Obedience a must! Come on Team 1Boy4Change members - we can do this! We CAN move this mountain! ![]() Meet Popi (on the left) and Shelby (on the right) - they were BOTH selected to become service dogs! Popi will be going to a Youth Pastor in Alabama and Shelby will be going to a Wounded Warrior in Colorado! Shelby is traveling today on American Airlines and will be in her new home tonight! Popi is still waiting on some details to be worked out and then he will be going to his new home! THANK YOU to everyone that helped make these wishes "GRANTED"! Together we are moving mountains! Blessings - Christopher & K9 Bronx ![]() Trevor's Wish - A German Shepherd puppy to become his service dog! Trevor was born with a rare, life-threatening metabolic disease called Very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency or VLCADD for short. We were notified during the middle of the night when he was just 10 days old that we had to rush our seemingly perfect newborn to the emergency room or he would die. The routine newborn screening test caught this potentially lethal illness before we even knew anything was wrong. Imagine arriving at the emergency room of your local Children’s hospital to find out that as you waited for your child to be admitted, the doctors were looking up your child’s illness on the internet because they had never heard of it or seen a case. We have been lucky. Our son, Trevor, has celebrated four birthdays. Others have not been so lucky. We learned that our genetic specialists were modeling Trevor’s treatment and progress after the success they were having with a little girl from South Louisiana. Sadly, she died before she turned three years old because emergency room workers would not listen to her parents or adhere to her Emergency protocol letter when she arrived. In fact, the ambulance would not even transport her because they said she looked fine. Trevor, at four years old, is now the oldest patient in Louisiana with VLCADD, and the doctors are using him as a model for care. He has had eleven stays in the hospital, each time requiring an IV with a special sugar called D10. His stays last approximately one week each. ![]() "FIVE" more K9 police teams will be protected! May 4, 2012: I just placed an order with American Aluminum for "FIVE" more heat alarms! That means, as of today, "14" K9 police teams are protected! I have "7" more K9 police teams on the waiting list. PLEASE, help me protect these HEROES from the dangers of summer heat! ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE |
Welcome!“1 Boy 4 Change” is my foundation for “change.” Change in the way we see ourselves, our community and our world. Join me and we can all make a difference in at least one life! Archives
February 2024